McBurney Center Ambassador Program

The McBurney Ambassador Program is part of the Transition Services Program effort to assist new freshmen during their first year on campus. Incoming freshmen will have the opportunity to match with an upperclassman McBurney Ambassador who has at least one-year experience using accommodations at UW-Madison.  Ambassadors will assist new students in finding a sense of community among other  students with disabilities, generating understanding of how to navigate resources at UW-Madison, and offering opportunities to get involved in campus life.  It is our hope that these peer-to-peer interactions will help foster a successful first-year transition to Madison!


The McBurney Ambassador Program will strive to:

  • Provide a safe space for students to discuss disability and other transition-related topics through peer-to-peer interaction
  • Create a greater sense of community among  peers
  • Assist in fostering relationships between first year students and upperclassmen to create insight into University resources and opportunities
  • Provide an opportunity for students to share personal experiences in order to help ease the transition process for new students


  • Each mentee will receive a weekly email from their Ambassador.
  • Each mentee will have the opportunity to communicate with their mentor one-on-one throughout the year to discuss any obstacles or victories they have faced during their transition to UW-Madison.
  • McBurney Ambassadors will plan occasional group activities for their mentees and will highlight other campus wide events of interest.

For more information:

Contact the Transition Coordinator