Notetaking Training for Students Receiving Peer Notes

How to Select your Accommodations (including Peer Notetaking)

  1. Log in to McBurney Connect using your NetID and password.
  2. Sign your E-Agreements. You will need to sign these every semester.
  3. On your OVERVIEW page, in the Accommodation Requests tile, click on the plus icon, Add Requests.
  4. In the ACCOMMODATIONS REQUESTS tile, check the box next to the course for which you want to make accommodation requests.
    1. If you want to use the same accommodations for all of your courses, check the box next to apply the same accommodations to all selected course.
  6. In each course tile, under SELECT ACCOMMODATIONS check the box next to the accommodations you are requesting. Be sure to think about any differences in your requests as it relates to the type of learning environment (lab, discussion, or lecture).
  7. In the STEP: FINAL STEP tile, read the agreement and check the box.

Important Reminders:

  • A student accommodation letter (SAL) will be emailed directly to your instructors from McBurney Connect once you submit your requests. You will be copied on these emails, thus knowing exactly when your instructors receive the information.
  • Communication with your instructor(s) regarding your approved accommodations is an essential part of implementation on campus. Plan to communicate with each instructor within the first 3 weeks of the semester to confirm how accommodations will work in each course.

How to Confirm your Notetaking Requests

After selecting your accommodations, you will still need to confirm each notetaking request in McBurney Connect before a notetaker will be assigned.

During the first week of class, you need to confirm that notes are needed for each course. If you do not confirm your request within 7 days of the first day of class, your request will be cancelled.

  1. Log in to McBurney Connect using your NetID and password.
  2. Under the heading ACCOMMODATIONS, click Notetaking Services.
  4. Click Confirm to confirm your request. You will need to confirm your request for each class.

How to View your Notes

All of your notes will be available in McBurney Connect. To view your notes:

  1. Log in to McBurney Connect using your NetID and password.
  2. Under the heading ACCOMMODATIONS, click Notetaking Services.
  3. In the AVAILABLE NOTES tile, click VIEW NOTES.
    1. Notes for all of your classes will appear in a list. Notes can be sorted by:
      1. Subject by clicking on the column heading Subject.
      2. Latest download by clicking on the column heading Latest Download.
      3. Date uploaded by clicking the column heading Uploaded On.
  4. Click Download next to the notes you want to view.

How to Verify you Received Notes

(formerly “Signing Your Notetaking Invoice)

  1. Log in to McBurney Connect using your NetID and password.
  2. Under the heading ACCOMMODATIONS, click Notetaking Services.
  3. Complete the ASSIGNMENT VERIFICATION form.